Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Boogie On!

"Boogie On!"
6x6   Oil on museum quality panel

A few months ago I finished a piece of  my nephew & brother kayaking and loved the movement in the painting.   My niece wanted to know when I was going to paint her.  I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I had to wait until I had the "right" image.  I found it this weekend and got busy.  She is full of energy and a barrel of fun.  K's, I hope you like your painting and BOOGIE ON!!!!!  Hugs from Aunt Kel.


Anonymous said...

Miss K is gonna love this I am sure....you have captured the movement of her and the water. Well done girlfriend!

Kathy Cousart said...

Love this! Wonderful with love motion! ha:)

Jeff Sanford said...


Gwen Bell said...

There is so much I love about this painting...the action and energy, the features indicated just enough, the greens and peach reflections in the water, and the treatment of the water as a whole. So full of life!
Fabulous job!

martinealison said...

Je suis certaine que vous aurez fait un heureux... avec cette magnifique peinture.

carol morgan carmichael said...

Love the color and light in this. Beautiful! Know she will be proud of her very own painting.