Friday, February 25, 2011

When a Horse is a Mule

"Off to the Races"
6x6   Oil on museum quality panel

 Veronica Clark,  is a dear friend and wonderful artist specializing in animals.  V & I used to be studio mates and I never attempted to paint animals because I wouldn't be able to capture the beauty that V could.  However, many years ago on a painting outing, I found that the only subject available was my worst nightmare, a horse.  So I dived in and "painted" the horse.  Upon bringing the painting back to the studio, I asked Veronica what she thought of my painting.  In her wonderful British accent, she said..."Nice mule".  So fast forward 8 years and here's my latest attempt at a horse.  V, I'll patiently await to hear whether I've improved and can now hear..."Nice horse".  A honest critique goes down better with a lovely accent.  Everyone needs a "V"!

I hope to post some more "horses" next week that are a bit different.  Having fun pushing out of my comfort zone. 


Anonymous said...

No mules here...of course I don't have that lovely accent so we will have to wait for Verinica to weigh in....what's the worse she can say....."very fast mules"? Ha,ha, seriously love how you captured the movement and you colors once again....have me mesmerized. Well done.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Julie but please don't give Veronica the option of saying...very fast mules!

LindaHunt said...

I agree...great movement in this one and the color of course is great!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Is this a burro race? KIDDING!
I love the action, movement, and the lack of fear that you might be (but didn't) paint mules. I love your bravado - you GO girl! Get on a fast horse and just DO it! :)

Catherine Jeffrey said...

Escellent painting full of energy and action. Great colors. Thats no mule...could be Secretariat :-)

Kathy Cousart said...

So boring to say this might be a favorite but...this might be!! You captured the motion and excitement really well! Colors are fabulous- strong but not shouting at us! Really like the brushwork. No mule in this one:)

Dewberry Fine Art said...

Love it. It has action and wonderful color.

Gwen Bell said...

Great action here and I could definitely tell they were horses. LOL!

Gwen Bell said...

Great action here and I could definitely tell they were horses. LOL!

martinealison said...

Les mots qui me viennent en admirant votre peinture sont : force, mouvement, gagnant, battant, motivation. Il faut aimer le cheval pour réussir à faire jaillir dans une peinture de tels sentiments...
L'harmonie des couleurs est absolument magnanime.

Dana Cooper said...

Nice job on these HORSES Kelly, love the sense of movement and color in them!