Friday, May 7, 2010

Get your own Taboret!

Several visitors to my studio have been "eyeing" my fabulous taboret a bit too closely.  I know it's to die for but I'm sensing some "unusual" thoughts about dismantling mine and reassembling it in your studio.  All I have to say is "get your own".  Just kidding, sort of.  If you are interested in having Michael Haun (the taboret genius) custom design your own, you can contact him  Now back to painting.  Happy Weekend!!!!


Gary Keimig said...

interesting. In my satudio I use a mechanics metal cabinet and at my gallery while I am a shop keeper I have used an old T V tray[the kind they don't make any more. Yesterday it finally gave out on me. After years of carting it around the country in Plein Aire situations, Quick-draws, etc.

martinealison said...

Il est vrai qu'on a tous sa propre façon d'aménager notre atelier, selon nos habitudes et nos manies...
Merci de nous montrer le vôtre.

Melanie Statnick said...

Love your studio Kelly, what a wonderful taboret to have. Lucky You!

take care.

Sharon Weaver said...

That taboret would take up my entire studio. I have to think small.

Anonymous said...

this is a funny your sense of humor!

it's nice to meet you!
i'm off to browse you some more!

ciao bella
Creative Carmelina was here!