Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Me

So some of you asked for me to post a photo of myself.  Don't blame me.  My friend/student/marketing guru/photographer came to the studio today and this is the result.  Started out somewhat serious and quickly ended in a "gigglefest".  I won't post the end of the session.  Some things never need to be on the internet.  Now the art.  I'm working on a couple of larger low country marsh paintings. You'll see those sometime next week. I'm also pushing myself into a bit of a new direction and very excited to see what happens.  Will share at some point.  Also, I'm going to paint a self portrait.  That should be worth a giggle or two.  Enjoy the weekend.

8 comments: said...

Great photo, and yes I am looking forward to more of your paintings. They are great. Terrific idea about painting self portraits. I've been promising myself that I would get back to painting portraits. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow. All the best to you.


Wonderful to see you Kelley. (Now I know who to look for as we wait for the bus.)
gReat pic!

Unknown said...

Thanks y'all. Susan - too funny.

Dreama Tolle Perry said...

Kelley--now we know who is behind all the great art we have been seeing! Love your new direction--I can feel the energy from here!

martinealison said...

Géniale votre photo... j'ai hâte de voir l'autoportrait.
Bises et bon week-end.


You are so funny Kelley! Lost your address through the net connection - how are we going to drink that glass of wine?
Can't wait to see the new direction you're going.

Michelle said...

Yes, great photo! Something that is so difficult to do (at least for me, anyway)! Happy Painting!

Melanie Statnick said...

Happy to meet you! your paintings are beautiful as always.