I'm moving "learn how to take a decent photo" to the top of the list. Being in a hurry, gotta go to the grocery, get gas, go to the bank,etc. is no excuse for taking a "wonky" photo. I quickly took this pix this morning and thought I had a pretty good image until I uploaded it. Staring at me on my screen is a somewhat leaning painting. I will vouch that the brush was painted straight but you'll just to take my word for it. I straightened it the best I could. This is probably a good time to post that I'm looking for an assistant, who doesn't need to be paid, will do all the things I don't want to do, do it with a smile, also added duty, taking non-wonky photos. I'll let you know when the assistant is on the job. Is that mocking laughter I hear?
Hey, I want one of those assistants too Kelley! Tell me where you find him / her.
And the blue just pops this paint brush. Love the starkness - feels vulnerable, which sounds much like what you have been experiencing -it will get better.
Very fun work of art, Love it!
Art by Karena
Talk to Dreama. She has an assistant. and I am really jealous.
I like your painting ... bad photo or not. And I REALLY lie your Meeebo box. Do you have it working on your phone yet?
Trying to post something clever..not easy to do at 2:30 AM. Need assistant to tell me to get my buns in bed....sorry for leaving wonky comment...(and I am concerned with you having more time in three weeks. ARE YOU CLONING YOURSELF??????)
Heh, Heh, Heh.... I want one, too. AND a wife, so my husband and I can just do what we want to do all day, paint, garden, etc., and when we get home the laundry, dishes, shopping, etc. will get done, AND there'll be a nice meal waiting for us!
I like the spare quality of this one. Power through simplicity. And if you have any extra applicants, can you send them here? ; )
Kelley, love the color choices in this..and the simplicity. i agree with Susan, something vulnerable about this. Would love to see another. Oh and about the assistant...that's a fabulous idea!
I like the "off" angle here and the thick paint at the end. makes me want to go pick up a brush right NOW
Can I apply for the job please?? I have a brush like that it refuses to do what I tll it.
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